wtorek, 9 sierpnia 2011

blackSideSeven v2.05.7592 Mango

[ changelog >> ] version 2.05
- simcarderror fixed (thanks to gres-197 from 4PDA)
- changed radio to
- deleted Aero themes (to many bugs)

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poniedziałek, 8 sierpnia 2011

blackSideSeven v2.04.7592 Mango

[ changelog >> ] version 2.04
- changed bootsplash to htc
- added fixes for italian language (thanks to nikola360)
- changed to radio

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blackSideSeven v1.13.7401 NoDo

[ changelog >> ] version 1.13
- bugfixes in PL translation
- Word is working in PL
- deleted icons from main: Cellular, Location, Sound ,Lock, Airplane mode and Brightness

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wtorek, 2 sierpnia 2011

blackSideSeven v2.03.7592 Mango

[ changelog >> ] version 2.03
- added more language: Dutch, English UK, French, Italian (thanks to gres-197)
    translations are not in 100%, sorry
- fixed bugs in russian language (thanks to gres-197)
- deleted korean dictionary (lack of free space in rom)

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piątek, 29 lipca 2011

blackSideSeven v2.02.7592 Mango

[ changelog >> ] version 2.02
- fixed bugs in chinese language (thanks to PengUIN)
- fixed "add contact" bug in PL
- fixed "add accounts advanced" bug in PL
- added camera advanced setting for all lang
- changed theme to dark as default (bugs in Aero :( )

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poniedziałek, 25 lipca 2011

blackSideSeven v2.01.7592 Mango

[ changelog >> ] version 2.01
- Bing Maps search and GeoCode in PL (thanks to Zenk_77)
- calendar and photo in PL working

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piątek, 22 lipca 2011

blackSideSeven v2.00.7592 Mango

[ changelog >> ] version 2.00
- polonized ~90% of Mango
- added softbutton for Camera
- green phone button is callhistory
- added Aero, Aero Black, Aero Rich themes
- no more "Not For Sale" ;)
- added WiFi and BT button on desktop
- AutoDataConfig enabled
- many changes and optimalization in registry

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piątek, 24 czerwca 2011

blackSideSeven v1.10.7392

[ changelog >> ] version 1.10
- base from Yuki's v5
- I leave Yuki's Aero themes
- Aero Black is default theme
- change radio to 
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środa, 15 czerwca 2011

blackSideSeven v1.9.7392

[ changelog >> ] version 1.9
- added keylayouts: Czech, Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish
- base from Yuki's v4
- file optimalizations ~3MB less
- BacklightTimeout change to 1 min
- change wifi and BT StartMenu icons
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środa, 8 czerwca 2011

blackSideSeven v1.8.7392

[ changelog >> ] version 1.8 (thanks to YukiXDA)
- four more keyboards
- radio working without the headphones
- added soft camera button with autofocus (long press)
- and others modifications from Yuki
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czwartek, 2 czerwca 2011

blackSideSeven v1.7.7392

[ changelog >> ] version 1.7
- green phone button is ... green phone button now, not camera button
- small graphic modifications

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wtorek, 31 maja 2011

czwartek, 19 maja 2011

blackSideSeven v1.5.7392

[ changelog >> ] version 1.5
- new build 7392 (thanks YukiXDA)
- files optimalization ( ~5MB less)
- registry optimalization
- small fixes
- version without HTC applications

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sobota, 26 marca 2011

blackSideSeven v1.4.7008 spoof version

[ changelog >> ] version 1.4
- 7008 spoofed, no new files, only dsm build
- added HTC Hub v1.3 from Shubert 1.69.401.01
- added HTC Converter v1.2 from Shubert 1.69.401.01
- added HTC SoundEnhancer v1.2 from Shubert 1.69.401.01
- added HTC Stock v1.2 from Shubert 1.69.401.01
- added HTC Connection Setup v1.2 from Shubert 1.69.401.01
- added HTC Photo Enhancer v1.2 from Shubert 1.69.401.01
- added back deleted fonts (malgun.ttf, MeiryoUI_5_10.ttf, msyh_5_80.ttf)
- small fixes

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środa, 2 marca 2011

poniedziałek, 21 lutego 2011

blackSideSeven v1.2.7004

[ changelog >> ] version 1.2
- "English" is default after magldr flash
- Marketplace fix - it should be working no

[ changelog >> ] version 1.1
- notification fix
- newer connection setup base - WP7.CSDB_024
- deleted rgu files
- registry optimization
- deleted Sound Enhancer
- deleted fonts (malgun.ttf, MeiryoUI_5_10.ttf, msyh_5_80.ttf) ~21MB less

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środa, 16 lutego 2011

blackSideSeven v1.0.7004 BETA 1

wypuszczam wersję niedokończoną w celu wyłapania ewentualnych błędów w działaniu i spolszczeniu które wykonuje Wareczek.
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